Period Details
October 2015 - today

Position: Postdoctoral researcher

Institute: Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (Bonn, Germany)


  • PI and Co-I of Milky Way CO surveys with APEX (such as SEDIGISM, OGHReS, CMZ-APEX, LASMAGAL)
  • CO and HI follow-ups of CALIFA galaxies (using JVLA, NOEMA, APEX)
  • Development of data reduction and analysis pipelines (especially for LEGO, CoCoA, and OGHReS projects)
  • Lecturer for machine learning class at MPIfR and invited lectures at 9th IRAM 30m summer school
  • Supervision of MSc and PhD candidate students

February 2014 - August 2015

Position: Postdoctoral fellow

Institute: University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada)

Supervisor: Prof. Erik Rosolowsky


  • Development of SCIMES
  • Interfacing of CASA into CANFAR HPC system for self-imaging of JVLA data

June 2010 - January 2014

Position: Doctoral researcher

Institute: Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (Heidelberg, Germany)

Supervisor: Dr. Eva Schinnerer

PhD thesis: "Gas organization in M51 - The impact of spiral arm dynamics on Giant Molecular Cloud properties"

September 2007 - April 2010

Position: MSc in Astrophysics and Space Physics

Institute: University of Milano-Bicocca (Milano, Italy)

Supervisor: Prof. Massimo Gervasi

MSc thesis: "Study of TRL calibration at low temperature for CMB polarization devoted experiments"

September 2003 - July 2007

Position: BSc in Physics

Institute: University of Milano-Bicocca (Milano, Italy)

Supervisor: Prof. Massimo Gervasi

MSc thesis: "Study of long-term stability of MIPol polarimeter through the 1/f noise spectrum"